Full moon,time to center ourselves, half an hour meditation, 16 sequences of sun salutation, drop in sweat, the authentic hot yoga in a tropical land and outdoors!:-) exercises for balance (physical, mental and emotional), happy mantra in the end.
Fe, from France, she is doing yoga classes since the last one and half month, she was complete beginner, Roberto from Italy also complete beginner with a strong physical facility for the yoga, he is doing classes since one week, Lisa, medium, advance practitioner, she is doing the classes since the last week and Cris, just arrived since 3 days, follow very well the intense rythem of this class.
Here is the asanas sequence photo session:
Fe, from France, she is doing yoga classes since the last one and half month, she was complete beginner, Roberto from Italy also complete beginner with a strong physical facility for the yoga, he is doing classes since one week, Lisa, medium, advance practitioner, she is doing the classes since the last week and Cris, just arrived since 3 days, follow very well the intense rythem of this class.
Here is the asanas sequence photo session: